Gratitude Practice

Gratitude Practice

In addition to an overload of turkey every Thanksgiving table I’ve sat at has had some sort of gratitude practice. Sometimes, this takes the form of going around the table where people can express things that they are thankful for. Other times the host could lead a...
Narrative Diversification

Narrative Diversification

Narrative Diversification – What is it and why does it matter? I want to call to attention a type of diversification that I think is especially relevant now and typically one that evades measurement. Narrative diversification. I’ve come across this type of...
Coronavirus Investing

Coronavirus Investing

Cash + Quality + Cap = Comebackability A great many stocks are excellent investments right now.  With the Coronavirus, I keep finding myself saying that “this too shall pass.”  It will.  Sooner or later. And when it does – you need to be ready. As there have...