by James Damschroder | January 13, 2023 | Portfolio ThinkTank |
An Investment Policy Statement is a collection of policies that institutions used to use to govern how their portfolios where managed. They still do. Some Investors use this to, usually very wealthy investors. Portfolio ThinkTank has taken the IPS and combined it...
by James Damschroder | January 10, 2022 | Portfolio ThinkTank, Uncategorized |
You can analyze a portfolio better than 99% of professional investors using what I teach in this video. I used to sell this portfolio analytics software to professional investors for thousands of dollars and now I am doing my part to democratize investments by giving...
by James Damschroder | September 28, 2021 | Portfolio ThinkTank |
I don’t usually advocate trading due to the higher probability of loss ascribed to the predominance of cognitive bias and behavioural economics. Note from personal experience that an awareness of such risk is insufficient to curtail the risks. For those that...
by James Damschroder | May 26, 2021 | Portfolio ThinkTank, Uncategorized |
Just like Deion Sanders on the field, diversification goes both ways. Most investors intuit the benefit of defensive diversification, but diversification can play offense, too. The defensive ability of diversification to protect capital is a function of the...
by James Damschroder | May 11, 2021 | Portfolio ThinkTank |
You need to restructure your Conservative Investment Portfolio, especially if it’s bond-heavy, due to the increasing risk and likelihood of rising inflation. Cutting your fixed income exposure in half is a good starting point. It’s likely that your...
by James Damschroder | April 8, 2021 | Portfolio ThinkTank |
Fact Checking for Truths about Portfolio Diversification There are a number of misconceptions around diversification. But head and shoulders the number one misconception is so widespread, harmful and misunderstood. First, the also rans. Debunking the Biggest...